Don't We All Need A Lifestyle Change?

In some way or another, I believe that everybody has something about themselves that they would change... "lifestyle change"? People, I need a LIFESTYLE TRANSPLANT! Ha! I have been a slave to my weight since I can remember, and one day, I stepped on a scale and decided that I was not going to sacrifice the rest of my life for a cheeseburger. Don't get me wrong... there are things that I WOULD sacrifice for a cheeseburger... but my health and my future is no competition! This blog is not only an accountability blog about my weight loss journey--I hope that this will be an interactive journey for all of us. I am going to be completely vulnerable and honest, reporting my temptations as well as my triumphs. If I post a question, feel free to pipe up and answer! This is a safe space--for us to embrace one another, tiny or big, in our journey toward, not only weight loss, but our future and our deepest dreams... Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoy what I have to say!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Heat Is On!

Of course. Today, August 3rd, 2011, is just about the hottest day of the entire summer... and today, on the hottest day of the summer, I am preparing chicken vegetable soup for dinner. Yes!!

Ok, so perhaps this is not exactly what anybody in their right mind would ever call "soup weather"! It's not rainy, snowy, windy... it isn't anything but suffocating outside. Oh well! I will take shelter in my house with my struggling air conditioner unit until the sun says "good night".

You may be wondering WHY soup is on the menu. How dare I not tell you! James had a molar cut out of his mouth today, so since he is really in quite a bit of pain and his face is swollen like a cross-bread chipmunk, soup and sugar-free strawberry jell-o are on the menu for tonight--and he will be adding pain medication to that feast!

This morning, James and I got up at 4AM to be at work by 5AM. Remember what I told you all that we had to eat yesterday? KFC did not agree with us at all by this morning! It especially upset James' stomach; needless to say, I believe that they have seen their last dollar from us. They really made a good stride in offering grilled chicken, but with so few healthy options on their menu that seem appealing, I just can't see that they are worth the "cheat". Not only that, but we are both a little sleepy today; add that to an upset tummy, and it makes for a dissatisfied dieter!

I did much better today, though I am sad to say that I skipped lunch without even thinking about it! I was just sitting here wondering why I was feeling so weak--and I realized that I haven't eaten anything since my grilled spicy chicken burrito at 10 AM! Hmmm... ought to tend to that soup and get it ready quickly!
...............................................oh yes!

Before I forget, I have a new question for you this evening! Out of everything that you can think of, what is your favorite meal that you consider to be healthy? :-) Thank you guys! See you again tomorrow!


  1. Hmmm.... One of my favorite dishes that I ate on the South Beach Diet with my dad was pistachio chicken. You coat the chicken in crushed pistachios and then fry it in the olive oil. There is also an avocado topping that you can put on it (not quite quacamole, because that it a little fattening).
    If you want the recipe, I can get the exact measurements for you. I'm glad that you're doing so well sis!

  2. I love the taco salad cooked with ground turkey and taco seasoning, placed on a bed of salad greens and topped with a tbs of no fat sour cream and yummy salsa!
    I must say that I have found a delicious choice at Applebee's. They have a grilled dijon chicken topped with portabellas and peppers and served with seasonal veggies(which have been broc, carrots and zuchini)So tasty and on the diet! I skip the red potatoes and order extra seasonal veggies :)
